Don’t let his flamboyant get-up or his affiliation with Lady Gaga sway you into thinking Space Cowboy is yet another diva. In fact, he’s just the opposite; if this big-hearted musician were to own a planet in space, he would welcome anybody on it.
“I would invite you!” says Nick Dresti with an affable laugh. Known more popularly as Space Cowboy, this talented DJ, producer and singer is true to his moniker with his love for futuristic things and fascination with space travel.

“That’s a really interesting question actually. What about you?” He then poses the question back to me, intrigued, as I fumble for an answer.

Throughout the 20-minute press conference at Bershka at Ion Orchard, Space Cowboy managed to dispel every single pre-conceived notion I had of him and paint a very real picture of the person he is. The 34-year-old appeared shy but polite, averting emcee Annabelle Francis’ gaze whenever she engaged him in playful banter.

One-on-one however, and he’s as warm as his bright red equestrian-like outfit, putting you at ease almost instantly.
Perhaps this explains his preference for a behind-the-scenes role as Lady Gaga’s personal DJ. But when it comes to questions about his controversial co-worker, Space Cowboy is obliging but tight-lipped.

When asked if Lady Gaga is as wild as she dresses, his answer is a deadpan yes. When asked to talk about her style, he replies immediately, “It’s great, I love it.”

However, when questioned instead about whether he could see at the recent 2010 Grammy Awards as his view was blocked by Lady Gaga’s massive headpiece, his eyes crinkle up into slits as he shakes his head vehemently.

“No, I really couldn’t! It was impossible,” says the first-timer to Singapore with a chuckle. “You should have been there!”
Space Cowboy is possibly the most glaringly honest celebrity I have ever encountered. He offers rehearsed replies to run-of-the-mill questions. But ask him something different about his life and he’ll open up like an unearthed pearl.

And what’s not to love about him: When a world-famous musician removes his captain hat and places it on your head during a photo opportunity and doesn’t give two hoots about hat hair, but tells you instead that “it doesn’t matter, as long as you look great”, one begins to wonder if Space Cowboy should really be called Down to Earth instead.

Images and text by Amelia Chia.

Edit:The people at People’s Association Youth Movement invited us to attend their event, a pre-media party at Berhska ION and street dance party ‘City Alive! 2010’. I was away on a trip last weekend; so the friendly Miss Amelia Chia (and her friend) helped me out with this ‘assignment’. I thought it would be great to support PAYM, as I was involved for three years back in high school. For more photos, click on the Facebook page linked on the sidebar!


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